Trends in insolvency law not only in Slovakia but also in G7, BRIC and EU jurisdictions

Legate - Trends in insolvency law not only in Slovakia but also in G7, BRIC and EU jurisdictions - 1
If your business partner has gone into bankruptcy/restructuring, it does not necessarily mean a complete write-off of the claim, but on the contrary an opportunity to recover it as efficiently as possible in the bankruptcy proceedings. Only your proactive approach can mean that, once applied.

Aké sú trendy v konkurznom práve nielen v SR, ale aj v jurisdikciách krajín G7, BRIC a iných krajín EU, kto sú kľúčoví hráči v procese, či je možné uplatniť preferenčné práva k Vašej pohľadávke – na tieto a mnohé iné otázky dáva odpovede publikácia zostavená pod vedením Linklaters a iných kontribútorov pre IFLR.

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